About Me

My photo
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Fashion Stylist/Coach,Kingsway Mall Style Council Member, Mrs Canada 2006, Hairstylist and Makeup artist to the best clients, Mother of 2, and Wife to the #1 husband in the world!

Friday, 29 July 2011

Hurricane Katrina...the restoration.

They named a hurricane after my daughter.
It's true... she was born before the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina, and when I see her room, I see the connection.
For the sake of our relationship, I choose years ago to just close the door.

But this week she went to camp...for 5 days!
Now was my chance! I took out all her belongings...

Sighed over the border I lovingly hung when she was a baby...
Then I got to work. Washed walls (sighed over the drip of milk on the wall from her baby bottle!)
Filled nail holes, scrubbed glue from tape that had held up Selena Gomez posters.
Then prepped, sanded, swept, painted a coat, repeat!

My good assistant/hubby hung the fab chandelier I found a year ago.

Then came the wallpaper, bedding, accessories...

and I even framed her OWN artwork!

Then came the big moment! I picked her and her brother up from camp and made the plan with my assistant/husband...he hid in her room with the video camera.
I expected tears...she threw her camp wristband at her dad.
I think that meant she was happy.

Watch the video above.