Oh bouclé ... I so thought I'd seen the last of you. 8 years ago, I had my very talented Auntie sew me a frayed bouclé jacket. It was a pretty messy undertaking... she had pink fibers all over her house. Unfortunately, the trend passed very quickly after she'd finished it, and I didn't get many chances to wear it. Fortunately I saved it and the trend is back!
I recently found this picture on Pinterest and I admit it's caused me a bit of a frantic obsession! My biggest pet peave is when Pinterest items don't have a link to find where to purchase the item!
I'm SO in love with this look that I found on Pinterest that I had to hunt it down!
I found the original, but they no longer have the color that the model was wearing on Pintrest... so being the hunter that I am I found another one on Ebay for a fraction of the price!
You thought you'd gotten the best of me... but Touché Bouclé !