About Me

My photo
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Fashion Stylist/Coach,Kingsway Mall Style Council Member, Mrs Canada 2006, Hairstylist and Makeup artist to the best clients, Mother of 2, and Wife to the #1 husband in the world!

Tuesday, 5 November 2013


We're moving!!! We're moving!!!

1 year ago the big machine pulled up and broke ground on our dream home! What a journey it's been since then! I'm pretty sure I've aged more in the last year than I have in the last 10! I have done work that I didn't think my body could do... dug trenches, moved gravel by hand, spent more time in more mud than I could have ever imagined, breathed in a WHOLE lot of saw dust, removed tonnnnnnes of garbage from the site (I even picked up a live mouse by accident!!) and eaten WAY too many sandwiches. But the day is drawing near that we will no longer be responsible for two homes... no more referring to the two places as "The old house" and "The new house".
What I'm looking forward to most is:
-having two linen closets
-having an en suite
-my gigantic closet!!!

But the challenges in the next two weeks have me feeling just a smidgen overwhelmed... but I'm so excited to decorate... and will post pictures as I go!