About Me

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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Fashion Stylist/Coach,Kingsway Mall Style Council Member, Mrs Canada 2006, Hairstylist and Makeup artist to the best clients, Mother of 2, and Wife to the #1 husband in the world!

Thursday, 31 March 2011

All the Good Ideas Are Gone

A friend of mine from high school went on to a successful career as a singer/songwriter. One of his songs is called "All The Good Ideas Are Gone" (by Riley Armstrong). This is exactly how I feel about fashion in 2011. We have become so very good at recycling in this, the 21st century, that even our fashion is completely recycled from past eras. Have we really run the well so completely dry that we need to bring back the STIRRUP PANT?? Was this really such a fabulous trend the first time around that we just have to enjoy it once more??? The pant that looks like it's hanging on for dear life should you yank them up one more time!? The pants that if they were even a smidgen too short were like a permanent penguin costume? Well, my friends, let me urge you, on the soapbox platform such as this little blog, NOT to recycle this trend!  Actually I'm quite certain that anyone old enough to recall this previous fashion tragedy, would never sign up for a second round...it will only be those young enough not to be scarred that will be running out to find the perfect slouch socks to go over top. I'm not saying all fashion recycling is bad, but it's one thing to have found a new love for Caesars sandals...

                                          $60 at Aldo                                         
      Order online by following the link

or the skinny jeans of our mothers...

But I think it's time we put our collective feet down and say...NO STIRRUP PANTS...WE WON'T DO IT! 

Now that I've said this...I'll probably buy some next week.

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