About Me

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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Fashion Stylist/Coach,Kingsway Mall Style Council Member, Mrs Canada 2006, Hairstylist and Makeup artist to the best clients, Mother of 2, and Wife to the #1 husband in the world!

Friday 5 April 2013

Reduce, Reuse ReSQUISH

You are about to discover a very real truth about me. I may as well just confess... I'm a cheapy. I rarely buy something if it isn't on sale. I LOVE a bargain... like really, REALLY love a good old "Holy Cow...you paid WHAT!?" kinda bargain! And because of this I often have the mentality with my things that if they get ruined, ripped, or broken... "oh well, what the heck, it only cost me_____". Take for example my brand new polka dotted denim shirt from Winners. I was wearing it for the first time the other day, not even noticing it getting a little breezy, when my friend Sue pointed out the the entire back seam had ripped open! She said I should take it back... I couldn't  be bothered for how little I paid for it. I'll just sew it back up, and wear a cardigan over it!

Another fix-it project that I'm SO excited to share with you, starts in that moment we've all had. You're busy in the mornings, rushing to get out the door, and so, while slapping on your daily allotted amount of cosmetic product, it's understandable that you might just be a bit more clumsy that usual. In the chaos, time seems to slow down to the classic television slow motion scene as you watch your favorite eye shadow pot slip gracefully through the air, heading to it's sad demise as it projectiles towards your extremely hard tiled floor. You dive ever so gracefully as though rescuing a falling newborn baby...
 Ok... back to reality. Your attempted rescue mission is a fail and your favorite cake eyeshadow is now a clumpy powdery mess. This is usually the start to a day that continues with a run in your nylons and coffee spilled down your white blouse and ends with a flat tire on your way home.
I used to try to continue to use the broken eyeshadow, while it would ever so slowly leak out into my makeup bag making the rest of my makeup look like it had been in there since 1930. Until, one day, I'd eventually give up on it, and toss it. BUT, the other day, I had a lightbulb moment! What if, I could make that powdery mess solid again!? So I dug out that newly dropped tub of light pink and got to work.

I added a teeny tiny drop of water...

Carefully stirred and mixed until all the powder was all wet...

And then began pressing the powder down as tightly as I could.

I then left it out on the counter to dry over night and VOILA!! Good as new!!

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