About Me

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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Fashion Stylist/Coach,Kingsway Mall Style Council Member, Mrs Canada 2006, Hairstylist and Makeup artist to the best clients, Mother of 2, and Wife to the #1 husband in the world!

Thursday 16 May 2013

Makeover Mania!!!

A few months ago my very talented friend Shandi Saito of Tabhair Photography and I were in a mid winter slump... so as girls do, we decided to get together for coffee. This girl never fails to inspire me! She wanted to get her creative juices flowing again, and I wanted to light a fire under my own skinny jeans clad butt! It didn't take much conversation before we realized that what we needed was to get around some inspiring ladies and do what we love to do most... make others feel better about themselves. Shandi by showing them how beautiful they are in photos, and me revealing their beauty with hair/makeup/ and clothes. TA DA!! A makeover was born! A facebook event was created... names, stories and photos were submitted and finally the day came to choose the name! We were both SOOOO excited! There were such fabulous ladies names in that little jar! It was so much fun that we decided we HAD to choose two names!

Well... It took a bit of time to get it all coordinated, 4 busy moms with 4 busy schedules, but last Saturday we finally all made it work!

 And what a fun day it was!! My daughter Katrina made a fantastic assistant and my Charlie was good for comic relief! "Oh Charlie!"

The 1st gorgeous gal was Heather!
Heather is a busy wife and mom of 8!!!  As if having 4 kids isn't busy enough, they opened their hearts and welcomed 4 adopted children into their family a few years ago. When she isn't chasing one of her toddlers she's off taking one of her teens to a practice or gymnastics class! We all know how rarely moms get to take an afternoon just for themselves to get dolled up, so it was a joy to see her soak in every minute! She is so sweet and kind  and also so very STUNNING (and so are the photos Shandi took of her)!
Heather Before
Heather After
Heather After

Our second great lady of inspiration is an exceptionally cool chic who gets her hands dirty daily and is a force to be reckoned with in her male dominated job all while holding down the role of mom and wife!
And this girl smiles ALL THE TIME! Let me tell you, she is a gracious beauty inside and out! What I loved most about her was every time I gave her a compliment she replied with the most sincere smile and "THANK YOU"! It made me realize that by brushing off compliments that are given to me, I'm wrecking the joy that was intended by the giver! Thanks for reminding me of that Christine!

Christine before
Christine After

Christine After

This day left me with lasting memories...a warmed heart... and a renewed passion for what I love to do...showing ladies how beautiful they are! SHANDI... LET'S DO IT AGAIN!!!

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