About Me

My photo
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Fashion Stylist/Coach,Kingsway Mall Style Council Member, Mrs Canada 2006, Hairstylist and Makeup artist to the best clients, Mother of 2, and Wife to the #1 husband in the world!

Monday 9 January 2012

I Am Blank Because...

A bunch of other bloggers I follow are doing this... so I'm jumping on the bandwagon cuz it looks fun. And it's a great way to start the year!

I am WEIRD because...
I scratch the roof of my mouth with my tongue...a lot.
I won't pull my kids wiggly teeth, but I'm not scared of mice or spiders.
I love dressing up real people, but hate playing barbies. 
I love being on TV.
It's difficult to embarrass me.

I am a BAD FRIEND because....
I rarely return phone calls due to the fact that I dislike being on the phone.
I am very very forgetful...which includes birthday dates.
I am too busy.
I often interrupt during conversations.

I am a GOOD FRIEND because...
I'm really good at keeping secrets.
I love to make my friends feel good about themselves.
I'm very real and open about my struggles and failings.
I don't hold grudges. (very often)

I am SAD because...
I'd like to spend more time with my husband.
I wish I was better at playing with my kids.
I have had to say goodbye to people that I didn't want to.
I can't seem to figure out how to make my passion into a full time job.
People I love are hurting in their marriages and relationships and I can't fix it.

I am HAPPY because...
I have the best husband and kids in the world. (seriously...check Guinness World Records) 
I LOVE my job.
My family's home is wrapped in love and built on a foundation of faith with God at the center.
I have friendships that will last a lifetime.

I am EXCITED for... 
The moment everyone realizes the world didn't end this year.
My 2012 photo folder to fill up with memories.
The next 5 months of adventures as a Kingsway Mall Stylist.
Baseball Season.
Mexico in February.
This headache to go away.